English Summary


We are scouting to learn something. That doesn't mean that scout meetings should bear any resemblance to school, but we should be aware of what we are learning, and how and especially why. From time to time we do suffer from the lack of motivation, but to remember why we are learning things and teaching others to learn them is to use them in future. We have to know e.g. how to orienteer in the wilderness to participate in any camps or hikes. It is true however, that we don't have to have any camps or hikes but that's the point. If we don't really like, we don't have, and therefore we can't, do anything in the world that might be worth to experience.

Troop leader

Troopleader writes in his column of future sights of our troop concerning the economic situation. The parishes of Turku have been insisting that they are reforming their bookkeeping. That could mean that Turun Sinikotkat should become an officially registered association.


Oskari Huiskala, leader in the sea-scout division Sextant, writes of his experiences as a first year leader of the sea-scouting activities in Turun Sinikotkat. Being a leader is learning new things even more than before but it's also responsibilities and a good buy to happy and care free summers before. We are all here to learn life and we should be prepared to give younger ones the same unforgettable experiences and moments we have been able to have by ourselves.

Sinikotkat and Niksu

Matti 'Niksu' Nikkonen, the parish worker for boys in the parish of Turku Cathedral, writes of twenty years he has been with us. How is it to see little boys join cubscouts and live by them while they grow up and become adults and leaders.

The Cutty Sark Tall Ships' Race

Sinikotkat will be taking part in the coming summer's The Cutty Sark Tall Ships' Race in the Baltic. Here is a preliminary timetable for the coming sailing season's highlight.

How is it with Åselholm?

Altti Holmroos sums up the progress in the Åselholm project and today of our base in the archipelago. Repairs have been made but the greater part is still due. Scoutleader Holmroos does however recommend all to visit Åselholm and use it as a base for scouting.

Rules of Kotkanpesä
Rules of Kotkanpesä, our base at Åselholm, are printed in Kotkansiipi as enforced by the Tuki ry, the association for supporting Turun Sinikotkat, board.

Our man in Durban
Lauri Luoto has interviewed Henrik Söderman, a member of Sinikotkat who took part in the World Organisation of Scout Movement (WOSM) World Scout Conference in Durban South Africa last July. Henrik refers what it means to belong to the WOSM and keep up international relationsships with central organisations.

Archipelago Sail of Rhea
Participants of the traditional Archipelago Sail write about their weeklong trip in the Finnish archipelago. Archipelago Sail is especially meant for the younger ones in our troop and is usually the first longer sail they take part.

Gotland Runt of Turun Sinikotkat

Participants of the very own Gotland Runt of Turun Sinikotkat write about their trip in the Baltic waters around the island of Gotland, Swedish archipelago of Stockholm and Finland in the Åland Islands. The trip was conducted strictly without any sponsoring from american IT-firms.

To Hoburg
Oskari Huiskala writes of the cycle trip in Gotland. The officers participating our Gotland Runt sailing took a bunch of nearly useless bikes and cycled about 20 miles to Hoburg in the southern tip of Gotland and back.

A few photos of the summer camp Endeavour of scouttroops Turun Sinikotkat, Nuotiotytöt, Auran Tähti Pojat and Turun Tähti-Tytöt and a sailing trip to northern Estonia this autumn.

Turun Sinikotkat Brass Band Sail
A sailor and a musician, Ilari Lemponen, writes an account of what happened during the sail the very own brass band of Turun Sinikotkat made last summer. Band sailed with two crew members in the western archipelago and gave a performance in Kustavi.

And how far Sextant can take us
Isto Vatanen writes of the sail he made with his two friends to complete so called long distance sail. The mentioned sail is made with a smallish dinghy, it should last at least one week and all sailors should do a hobby research of chosen subject and write a report afterwards of the sail and the research done. This experiment prove to be a some sort of a success because all the participants had their badges in the beginning of last November.

We are you going archipelago?
Lauri Luoto sums up his hobby research done during the long distance sail he sailed last summer (see the article before). Lauri interviewed the habitants and summer guests of the archipelago of their views of the future of the region. The people interviewed seemed to be somewhat positive in their attitudes and didn't think that archipelago will be empty of people in the near future.

The Last Tuohitorvi of the Millennium

An account of Tuohitorvi, the scouting competition of Turun Sinikotkat. This year the competition was held in co-operation with two other troops, Littoisten Pirtapiiat and Liedon Eränkävijät.

Merikisa 99
A staff member of the competition, Antti Heikkilä, writes of this years Merikisa. Merikisa, a sea-scouting competition of the Scout district of Finland Proper was this year arranged by Turun Sinikotkat thanks to the victory Blue Saints Sailing Team, a team of ours, in the last years race.


All new facts and fiction from the wolf cub section of Turun Sinikotkat. In this issue the Otter group presents itself and writes and draws of its autumn season.

Time Scout
Places of interest and sights to see in the Greater London area for scout travellers written by the investigating journalist of Kotkansiipi, Isto Vatanen who visited London last autumn.

Marks in time on the Eastern seaway

Altti Holmroos suggests Sinikotkat to begin repair work of the historical navigation aids and signs in the archipelago.

The electrical (or something like that) sofa has been a traditional interview column of Kotkansiipi. It has been brought to life once again and the this time interviewed person was an active competitor, Antti Puro. By now, Antti is responsible for the coming Finnish Winter Championships in the Scouting skills of the year 2001.

Höyhenet summarizes again the facts and not-as-much-facts of last six months.

Kotkansiipi Boys and Girls Gallery
Best shots of the last season.

Top 64 sailors of year 1998

All those who have been sailing more than 100 nautical miles this summer has been recorded here.
